Rico, who has awakened from a coma, has big news about his comeback

Sergio Rico went into a coma in May after falling from a horse. The Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper was in critical condition but woke up from his coma after weeks. Now, the Spaniard has provided clarity about a possible comeback.

Rico, who has awakened from a coma, has big news about his comeback
Photo Source: Getty Images

'Things are going very well with me,' said Rico through Paris Saint-Germain's official channels. The goalkeeper is relieved as all the commotion surrounding him slowly subsides. 'The recovery process is going fairly to well. I am very happy, as I see it's getting better every day. I am becoming stronger and stronger.'

On May 28th, Rico fell off his horse. He was trampled by the animal and spent 37 days in intensive care. His medical report stated that he was 'half a centimeter' away from death. Without any neurological conditions, Rico finally woke up. 'I immediately thought of football again.'

'I asked the doctor if I could play again,' Rico shared about his first question after waking up. Then came the reassuring word. In the hospital, the goalkeeper was assured that he would be able to use his gloves again. A huge relief for the Spaniard.

Now, Rico wants to quickly return to the highest level. 'On September 22nd, I have another medical test. We'll see how smooth the recovery is going. After that, I want to start training again. My ultimate goal is clear: I want to return to the team by the end of the season.'