'We need to work on that': Undav points out what needs to improve

Stuttgart won deservedly with 2:0 against Bremen. In the midst of it all was once again Deniz Undav, who revealed after the match what still needs to get better.

'We need to work on that': Undav points out what needs to improve
Photo Source: Getty Images

As announced, the two VfB attackers, Serhou Guirassy and Deniz Undav, played from the beginning against Bremen. Both scored in the well-deserved 2-0 victory against SVW. 

'I think we tried to play much more upfront,' said Undav on 'Sky' and revealed what needs improvement: 'We could have shot a lot more, then one or two more goals would have fallen. We need to work on being more efficient upfront and not playing so much short-passing.'

Sebastian Hoeneß shared a similar view. "Today was deserved. At times, it wasn't quite as I had hoped, especially in the second half. The first half was very good, except for our play in the final third, where we were a bit too playful. The result could have been higher at halftime," said the coach, who clarified, "We are super happy; this is an incredible point haul."

The VfB, who had to go through the relegation playoffs last season, now sits at a solid 30 points after 13 games and will definitely finish the matchday in third place. Even against Bremen, the Swabians were clearly superior, with the shot ratio of 19:12 being somewhat misleading as VfB slowed down towards the end, allowing Werder to have a few attempts.

Germany or Turkey? Undav remains quite relaxed

The striking duo of Guirassy/Undav has now scored a total of 24 goals. Both forwards are widely discussed, and there's frequent speculation about which country Undav would play for if given the chance. The 27-year-old could play for Germany or Turkey.

There hasn't been a call yet, but Undav takes it all in stride. "I hope I can continue where I left off on Wednesday (Cup game against Dortmund, Ed. note). I just try to give my best, stay relaxed, and make jokes from time to time," said the scorer of the 1-0 goal, who also received praise from teammate Chris Führich: "Deniz has a very good goal instinct, stands where the ball comes down. He positions himself very well, brings a lot to the table, and we're happy that he's here."